Why Run?

The National Running Show and Why Run?- BONUS EPISODE

Diane Church Season 1

The National Running Show's CEO Mike Seaman talks to  host Diane Church for this special bonus episode of Why Run?

Mike plays many sports, but he says it's running that provides him with the headspace he needs to manage his role at Raccoon Events, which organises ten major international events for outdoor activities each year.

Mike talks about how he can have a tendency to "overthink" his work  and how running helps him to slow his thoughts and clear his mind. Mike loves trail running, in particular, and likes to take part in all events from ultras to 5Ks.

In the interview, Mike laughs about the only race he failed to finish - a 100-mile event with Olympic 400m runner Iwan Thomas. It was a hot day and Mike collapsed by a hedge in the shade at the 48-mile mark. As a sprinter, Iwan was not used to running such extreme distances either, but he completed the race and Mike says: " That is the difference in the mindset of an Olympian. He should have failed, but he would not quit. It was utterly incredible to watch. "

As a Why Run? listener, you can claim free tickets to the National Running Show being held at Farnborough International on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th May. Just enter code: WHYRUN

For more details, visit: www.whyrun.uk and www.nationalrunningshow.com

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